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What does HTTPS mean – and how important is it?

Https is the abbreviation for: HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. Agreed, this term is quite cryptic, but in simple terms it describes nothing else but the secure and encrypted transmission of data over the internet.

HTTPS only protects data transmission

The functioning of HTTPS is quite simple. Instead of the unencrypted transmission of data between the client and the web server via HTTP, the transmission via HTTPS starts with a “handshake”, which describes a process for protected identification and authorization between the server and the client. If this process is successful, an asymmetric key is exchanged, with the help of which the encryption and decryption of the data takes place. Additionally, SSL certificates are only issued if the server and the domain holder are clearly known. For this reason, the certification authorities check the actual owner of the domain and request their address data.

Why is the protection with HTTPS not enough for my data?

If a continuous and efficient protection of data is required, then HTTPS is not a suitable solution against attackers. Since the data is decrypted after the secure transmission, data remains unprotected on the servers of the recipient. This means that the data cannot be intercepted when transmitted from the user to the servers of a company through the secure HTTPS transmission, but once the data is at destination everyone can access it, given that the data is stored in plain text on the servers. Thus, in principle, each platform operator can check what data is stored on its servers – that’s not possible for Stackfield or for services that apply end-to-end encryption. In our case, the data is already encrypted in the user’s browser and then transmitted protected by HTTPS / SSL to be stored in an encrypted state on our servers. When retrieving the data, it is transferred back via HTTPS and decrypted in the browser / on the device of the user. Only the combination between client-side encryption and HTTPS makes a Social Collaboration platform really safe.

Security and HTTPS is a given, but what can I do with Stackfield?

On Stackfield you can create an unlimited number of data rooms and equip them with apps according to your needs and purposes. If, for example, you want to map the complete coordination of your team or department within Stackfield you can equip a data room with the appropriate apps for communication, task management, data transfer, notes and events. Through the thread-based representation of the content, users can work efficiently and organized in large groups. The exchange of information is done seamlessly – you and your team members can comment and thus discuss upon each item, eliminating the need for additional tools, such as instant messenger or online file sharing sites. Additionally everything can be found within one tool, which helps you organize your work. Ultimately, through HTTPS / SSL and client-side encryption your data is securely protected from unauthorized access.

End-to-end encryption for highest security standards

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