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Stackfield as comprehensive alternative to Trello

Managing tasks by dragging and dropping cards has been made famous by Trello. A lot of users love the ease of use, because you can only work with tasks on this platform. However, work is limited to using the kanban board, which brings many problems, once the projects and tasks are more demanding.

Stackfield offers the same type of collaboration, but has additional display options and smart features, such as a central dashboard and global overviews of all tasks. These features simplify your daily work with tasks and your team. In addition, each data room offers a group chat and file management capabilities.

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Stackfield as alternative to Trello

Trello Stackfield
Monthly charges free or min. $ 3,75 / User starting with € 3 / User
Kanban Board for tasks
Tasks Lists
Gantt Chart
Group Chat
Global search
File management
On-Premise / Self-hosted
End-to-End Encryption
Central Dashboard

Shortcomings of Trello
  • Only task management
  • Company is subject of the Patriot Act
Advantages of Stackfield
  • All information on one platform
  • Different views for the task management
  • End-to-End Encryption
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