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How does Stackfield deal with the Corona crisis?

2 min read  •  March 20, 2020

My name is Cristian Mudure. I am the CEO of Stackfield and today I would like to inform you about how COVID-19 and relating measures affect Stackfield.

Dear customers and partners,

the coronavirus has spread faster and more dramatically throughout Germany than the population would have thought possible a few weeks ago. At the present time, the government is facing the difficult task of containing and slowing down the spread as much as possible - to protect our elderly citizens and all those for whom infection represents an increased risk.

This is a difficult time for many companies and employees. Nonetheless, we consider the measures that have been taken to be important and good. It is also important to face the situation with open minds and transparency, which is why I would like to inform you today about how we are dealing with the current situation.

Being a provider of a cloud-based project management and communication solution, we know Stackfield is currently in a fortunate position:

The entire software is in the cloud, hosted on German servers, supports secure transmission paths through its encryption system and contains almost all the tools we use to handle our day-to-day business.

Through the use of our own platform, we were therefore quickly able to switch our business processes completely to home-based work and to send all our employees to their home offices. This is exactly the kind of collaboration Stackfield is designed for. To enable the entire workforce to work from home at the same time, only minor adjustments and investments were necessary. The safety of our employees, our customers and our business partners is our top priority in these difficult times.

Also, Stackfield is not expected to experience severe economic problems due to our business segment. In fact, since the beginning of the week, we have seen a huge rush for our product, and the extent of that rush has surprised even ourselves to some extent. The increased demand has initially led to interruptions, for which we would like to apologize. In the meantime, however, we have been able to adapt our system to the new situation.

Please be assured that we are committed to maintaining Stackfield's ability to provide our customers with a secure and privacy-compliant experience. You can rest assured that in the future you will continue to enjoy the same support that we normally provide, as it will remain available through all channels as usual. Only personal training sessions will be increasingly replaced by webinars.

We are glad that we can already support so many companies in moving to the home office. Although our product puts our company in a fortunate position, we know that there are many other companies that are currently facing a different situation. In these times cooperation is needed. We would also like to point out that we try to find a suitable solution for all inquiries in order to cushion the consequences of the COVID-19 measures in your company as well. If you have the possibility to move the processes in your company to the home office, please do so. We would like to support you in this.

Finally, I have nothing more to say but: Stay well and try to limit direct social contact as much as possible - for the good of our parents, our grandparents, and everyone who is part of the vulnerable group. Dear fellow citizens, let us stand together!

All the best for you and your families!

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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