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5 Great Ideas for the Usage of Kanban-Boards

In the modern task management world, there really is no better presentation format for the organization of tasks for teams than the Kanban-View.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
3 min read

8 secure cloud storage services from Germany

We are happy to respond to our customers' requests and recommend safe file storage providers that are based in Germany. Nextcloud, OwnCloud and more
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read

Cloud encryption - client-side vs server-side

Data security in the Cloud is more than ever a very important issue. But what are the differences between client-side and server-side encryption?
Steffen TietzSteffen Tietz
1 min read

Bye Bye Tinder, Flirting in the Support Channel ...

... felt like a good idea for many of our male users as soon as they saw the photo of our support staff member for the first time.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read

How we unnecessarily burned 20k with Facebook Ads

We've also tried Facebook marketing. In this blog post we describe our successes and failures with the marketing channel Facebook.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
3 min read

How we got our first 100 paying customers

Being a startup in the SaaS segment, customer acquisition has been one of the most challenging topics for us. In this article, we describe our experiences.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
9 min read
Product Updates

Improve your work with Stackfield in 2020 with these 5 need-to-knows

Use these 5 need-to-knows for Stackfield to improve your work next year even more. Stackfield wishes everyone a happy and successful new year!
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
4 min read
Product Updates

Accessibility, telephony, search and more

Comprehensive update at the end of the year: Stackfield becomes accessible, telephony updates, page module redesign and much more.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
9 min read

How we improved our conversion rates by 450 percent

Our world is changing continuously – and in the digital age, digital services and the cloud-tools are growing extraordinarily fast.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
4 min read
Product Updates

Alphabetical sorting of rooms

Through the alphabetical sorting of rooms and an improved use of the direct messages, working with Stackfield is now easier than ever before.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
2 min read
Product Updates

Cloudy with a Chance of Stackfield - Part 1

In the meantime we arrived high up in the clouds. Specifically our data are far away. But what is the cloud all about? How does it work?
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
1 min read
Product Updates

Audio and video telephony for Direct Messages

The new audio and video telephony is now available in the Direct Messages and will be extended step by step with more features, such as screen sharing.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read

Our 5 biggest UX-design mistakes that you should avoid

So that you do not make the same mistakes we did while creating a SaaS business, you can find below a list with the 5 biggest design mistakes that we made.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
5 min read

Our highlights from 2021 and what to expect in 2022

We look back on a very successful year and reveal our plans for 2022. Find out what new features and events you can expect very soon.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
5 min read
Security Academy

Working with external parties – What to consider when sharing files

Freelancers and partners often get an insight into sensitive business documents during projects. How do you make file exchange secure?
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
2 min read
Security Academy

Clean Desk Policy – How to keep your workspace safe

Workplaces are goldmines for anyone who wants to get their hands on sensitive data. With these tips, the office is guaranteed to stay safe.
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
0 min read
Product Updates

Let the magic happen - Stackfield 3

With our update to Stackfield 3, we are pleased to present many new features, such as time tracking, workflows, teams and discussions!
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
8 min read

How we generated almost 9,000 visitors with € 478.34!

With a budget of only 500 €, we have tried to create an campaign to raise the brand awareness of our company. These are our results!
Cristian MudureCristian Mudure
5 min read