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Celebrating 10 years of Stackfield!

2 min read  •  July 22, 2022
Cristian Mudure, CEO of Stackfield

Everyone has experienced those moments when you look back and wonder how quickly time flies. I therefore don't want to overuse this phrase, but for me right now it actually feels like yesterday when we were at the notary's office 10 years ago to start the company. Now, we're celebrating Stackfield's 10th anniversary.

When I think about the last few years, a lot of memories flash through my mind: it was challenging, we were constantly surprised by unexpected twists and turns, and we had to overcome some hurdles. However, if I had to sum up the time with one word today, it would be one thing above all: gratitude. I am truly grateful that we are in this position today. Turning an idea into a growing company requires a lot of determination and teamwork. But that alone would not have been enough for Stackfield to develop to its full potential - you, our customers, are responsible because you put your trust in us. Without each and every one of you, this would not have been possible.

Was this development predictable for us from the very beginning? No, absolutely not. Half a year before we founded the GmbH, we had started working on the first prototype of Stackfield and at that time I had the impression that I knew exactly what the next steps would be. In hindsight, a big misjudgment, almost 3 years we had no significant sales and traction. While most users thought our tool was very good, the numbers spoke a completely different language. It was obvious to me that we had to change something.

In May 2015, we decided that we would focus on areas that had a very strong need for data security - for example, city administrations, government authorities, insurance, and banks. That eventually lead to the turnaround. Today, another 7 years later, thousands of organizations and companies from over 30 countries use Stackfield. We have managed to grow without any debt capital and have been cash flow positive for several years. Fortunately, this puts us in a very comfortable position in these challenging economic times.

With all this positive development, there is one point I really want to mention: Making existing customers happy was and is always more important to us than winning new customers on a continuous basis. What we had in mind right from the start and what we have never lost sight of over the years is the desire to provide our customers with the best possible support. It doesn't matter whether it's a large corporation or a small agency: everyone gets the same support from us in order to make ideal use of Stackfield for themselves and their requirements. This may sometimes be a bit inefficient economically, but globally this is the best way for us.

It's often said that Europe doesn't have good tech products. We want to prove the opposite. But in the end, it's you, the customers, who decide whether we succeed. We are incredibly grateful for your trust and have so many plans for the future. We look forward to the next 10 years!

All the best,
Cristian Mudure

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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