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a.s.k. Datenschutz: On the safe side thanks to Stackfield

4 min read


  • Complex and recurring processes are mapped efficiently and in a time-saving manner using room templates
  • All paper trail and accountability obligations towards data protection authorities are met
  • Comprehensive features (including end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication) ensure a secure working environment and provide for greater acceptance in the field of data protection

About a.s.k. Datenschutz e.K. - Data Protection and Information Security

Sascha Kuhrau, owner of a.s.k. Datenschutz from Simmelsdorf in Bavaria works with his team as an external data protection and information security officer for companies and municipalities. Furthermore, small and medium-sized organizations are assisted in their introduction of information security concepts such as work aid, CISIS12, and BSI IT baseline protection. The focus is on pragmatic solutions, each individual and the employees are placed in the foreground.

The initial situation

The team at a.s.k. Datenschutz is decentralized: Employees are based at several locations, and the customer base is separated into traditional companies and customers from the public sector (including city administrations and district offices). The main focus is on the introduction of information security management systems (ISMS) and on providing support as external data protection officers.

Sascha Kuhrau Image
Sascha Kuhrau - Owner - a.s.k. Datenschutz e.K.

There are many standardized processes in both areas - solid project management is absolutely essential. However, work is even more complex when consulting as a data protection officer: Municipal or district offices often have several hundred different core processes that all have to be documented separately. Back then, says owner Kuhrau, it was a long, tedious process with forms he had created himself. Quite early on, he thus thought of covering topics via a digital system, automating activities, and conducting events online that did not necessarily have to take place on-site. Since there was no in-house IT, he preferred a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution.

Why Stackfield?

During his search for an answer, he followed the federal data protection commissioners' lead: U.S. products could be problematic in terms of data protection. For this reason, he looked for German providers and ultimately came across Stackfield - and was thrilled from the start. Certified data centers, advanced security features, and extensive functions, such as file exchange and versioning. After an intensive testing phase, the structure had been established with which a.s.k. Data Protection still operates successfully to this day.

Room templates provide a better overview and save valuable time

At the beginning, each customer of Sascha Kuhrau as well as his team are given (guest) access to the organization and are assigned to a specific work area - a so-called room. If necessary, other external people, such as IT service providers, are invited. This guarantees a central location for transparent and structured collaboration right from the start.

A crucial advantage arises within the framework of this set-up due to Stackfield's room templates: a.s.k. Datenschutz has created individual templates for themselves, which are used as a basis in projects that are similar in process or structure. For example: With just a few clicks, the team can select a room template that includes a comprehensive Kanban board with around 40 core tasks. These tasks are hard-coded and cover basic topics that are equally important to each customer - including marketing, processing activities, service providers, information obligations and data subject rights, data breaches, internal audits, and more.

Needless to say, within the columns of the Kanban board you will also find tasks that have to be processed by the customers. The special feature in this case: A function specially programmed for a.s.k. Datenschutz ensures that completed tasks do not end up in the "Completed" column as usual, but instead remain in the respective column. "This way, even with hundreds of tasks within the various topic columns, we always keep an overview," explains Kuhrau. In a district office, for example, there are at least 180 core processes - requiring a smart system that allows every process and task to be documented.

A central place for collaboration - worth it for the data protectors!

Another important aspect: All collaboration takes place in one central location, creating a "single point of truth". The integrated chat ensures that communication takes place on the platform and remains traceable - completely without emails.

Onboarding made easy

Once the room has been set up in just a few steps, a.s.k. Datenschutz relies on training via video conference to introduce customers to Stackfield. The Kanban board as well as the tasks are talked through using screen sharing. The query regarding which personal data is being worked with is likewise performed directly in the remote event. Finally, the project is ready to go and the onboarding process is completed - quickly and efficiently.

Paper trail and accountability with Stackfield

Once a task in a room is given the status "Done" and a document is created in this context, it will be moved to a separate room - necessary for paper trail and accountability towards the state data protection authority or if, for example, problems with service providers arise.

Another room is provided to customers for data mishaps and data subject inquiries. This information is important for the annual report and can be collected and processed separately in Stackfield.

„In the course of paper trail and accountability, we have everything covered with Stackfield. From the commitment that a measure is to be taken, through the specific approach or solution, to the end result - everything is clearly documented and can be traced at any time.“

Smart information security management

Even a.s.k. Datenschutz's very own information security management system runs through Stackfield. All guidelines, concepts, work protocols, emergency management, the overview of external service providers with the associated contract data, and much more are stored here - centrally and in a secure environment. As a result, all information is directly accessible to the entire team in the event of a possible audit.

More data protection acceptance

Last but not least, Kuhrau mentions what is probably the most obvious aspect of Stackfield: the high requirements for data protection and data security. In addition to end-to-end encryption, there is another "big icing on the cake" for him: with two-factor authentication, the security of each account is additionally strengthened.
„Stackfield has nailed a problem that many organizations face." Whether it's internal or external collaboration, the demand for a privacy-safe collaboration platform is without a doubt.

And also among the customers of a.s.k. Data protection, the cooperation via Stackfield has a positive side effect:

„Stackfield has also helped customers be more accepting of the privacy issue - because it is charmingly solved through the platform!“
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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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