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Klar Agency: This is how Stackfield simplifies social media planning

4 min read

We are the Klar Agency, a social media agency from Offenbach am Main. The agency was founded in 2018 and since then we have been serving clients from a wide range of industries, like logistics companies, construction companies, and cultural institutions. So what do we do? First and foremost, we generate more attention for our clients' brands on social networks - and we do it with a lot of passion. We develop content plans, research content, produce photos, videos, and graphics, and analyze and optimize the results of our measures.

Our inital situation

Our agency grew primarily during the Corona pandemic. Because of that, we had to solve some challenges around internal and external communication as well as project planning quite early after our foundation. Shootings had to be organized, projects coordinated and content approved. The entire exchange and many other processes ran via various tools at that time:

  • Internal communication: email, WhatsApp, and Trello
  • External communication: email, Zoom, and GoToMeeting
  • Content planning & sharing: Trello and WhatsApp

In other words: Chaos was pre-programmed. At times, you had four different windows from four different platforms showing, just to make sure you didn't miss any important notifications. And who would have thought, you still missed something. At that time, these situations were part of our daily business. It was obvious that we had to find a long-term solution quickly.

Rohin Patidja
Rohin Patidja - Co-Founder & Content Strategist Klar Agency

Looking for the right tool

We started looking for a tool that would allow us to map all our essential processes. Not an easy task, as our requirements were pretty high. After all, we didn't just want a tool for internal communication. For example, we also wanted to be able to invite our customers to the tool, and have all of our collaboration take place there. An appealing user interface was very important to our team as well. We didn't want a tool that was dusty and out of touch with the times.

We then started testing tools: Trello, Monday, Asana, and many more. We created so many 14-day test phases we lost track at some point. Fortunately, after some time we came across Stackfield. We were immediately convinced by the team chat, as it allowed us to chat with each other in a relaxed way, as we were used to from WhatsApp & Co. The other features also appeared to meet our expectations at first glance. We then decided to give it a final acid test: We invited a customer to the tool and asked for honest feedback. The response: "Finally, a software that everything runs through." Just like that, our decision was made.

Better internal communication, individual acceptance workflows and simple knowledge management

"Today, our internal communication takes place entirely via chat in Stackfield. We no longer send emails to each other as a team. Even scheduling and all video conferencing, which we used to outsource to Zoom or GoToMeeting, we now only solve with Stackfield."

We organize our agency through the Kanban Board: Here we distribute and manage all internal tasks that affect our agency. We have created our own workflows for this purpose to ensure that everyone adheres to the acceptance processes without any problems. In the page module, we collect our knowledge and "how-to" data. This not only improves the exchange of knowledge within the team but also allows us to always have this expertise at hand and share it easily with our customers.

This is how we implement social media measures for our customers

First of all, each customer gets their own room - this is our common workspace. We use the chat to exchange information directly with our contacts and discuss all the important things in the course of the project - except for contract content and invoices. However, the most important feature for us in daily business is the Kanban Board, because this is where we organize all the content planning for the social media channels. Here's how we do it: We create a separate column called "Topic Schedule" and create a card for each calendar week. In this card, we record the topic suggestions for the respective week and outline our ideas. The customer can then leave questions, comments, and counter-suggestions directly on the task card - so the feedback for each calendar week remains easy to follow.

Once we have approval for a calendar week, each post gets its individual task card. Here, we then add the visual, texts, and hashtags. The customer is also able to easily identify where the post will be published by assigning a label to each channel. For example, each LinkedIn post is given a blue label, Instagram gets a purple label, and Instagram Stories get marked with a yellow label - easy! Once both sides are happy, the client can finalize the post via the "Approve" button and we schedule it for publication.

Kanban Board
Content planning for social media in Stackfield

Since all of our work runs through Stackfield, we always have our entire agency with us, so to speak. Whether in the office, in the home office, or on the train (provided the Wi-Fi works).

„By making all processes transparent via Stackfield, our clients feel like they are not just logging into a tool, but checking in directly with us at Klar Agency.“

Updates that really help

We always notice that Stackfield is constantly evolving. It's not 1,000 new features a day, but the correct three a month. The updates and features are well thought out and they work exactly as they should. No more and no less. This way, Stackfield grows along with our agency and if we ever have questions or a request, support is just one click away. We then write directly via live chat and get an answer within the shortest time.

Data protection: obligation instead of freestyle

Oh, and before we forget: Privacy. When looking for the right tool, this was a crucial aspect for us and a knock-out criterion for many other tools in our selection list.

"We had and still have a good feeling about Stackfield. We don't have to worry about data protection because we know they know how to do it - that's their strength."

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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