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New compliance features and link structure

2 min read  •  April 12, 2018
The organization's settings have for some time been helping administrators to meet the compliance guidelines for handling data and access rights to Stackfield. To further improve the work with these guidelines, we have added new features:

IP whitelist for accessing organizations

Increased security requirements often require that access to data can only take place from within one's own network. In order to be able to transfer this requirement to the use of Stackfield, it is now possible to determine IP addresses via which access to an organization is allowed. If a user attempts to access an organization via an IP address that is not included on the IP whitelist, they will receive an indication of the unauthorized access attempt and will not see any data of the organization.

Please contact our support team to use this feature. The IP whitelist is only available to paid organizations outside the trial period.

Two factor authentication as a requirement for access to organizations

The two-factor authentication (2FA) is a very effective method for the defense against unauthorized access in the event of password theft. By entering a second code, which is generated via an app on your own smartphone / tablet, for verification, the sole possession of the password does not grant access to the data of your organizations.

To enforce this security measure as the default in an organization, it is now possible to require an enabled two-factor authentication as a prerequisite to access an organization's data. Without two-factor authentication enabled, a user can not go into an organization or see data from it.

Please contact our support team to use this feature. The required 2FA is only available to paid organizations outside the trial period.

E-mail notification when logging in on new device

As a further security measure, e-mail alerts will now be sent when an account is being logged in to on a new device. If you receive an e-mail without first logging in to Stackfield, which means logging in by entering your password, we recommend changing the login password and enabling two-factor authentication.

Possibility to copy links to rooms and their contents

So far, when using Stackfield in the browser, you've always stayed on the same URL, even if the room was changed or an item was opened. Although this had the advantage that the page did not have to be reloaded when changing the room, in turn it meant that the use of the back button of the browser was not possible.

The new structure of the URL, which adapts dynamically, allows it to be copied when, for example, a task has been opened, and let's you forward it to other participants in the room. Hereby we combine the advantages of both variants: The URL can be copied, but nevertheless the page does not completely reload when changing the room or the elements. Access to the data can still only take place if the necessary rights exist in the form of participation in a room or at least reading rights for certain elements.

If you have questions about the new features, we are always happy to help!

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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