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Paul meets Paulina - New personalized stickers on Stackfield

4 min read  •  October 06, 2020

Paul has been part of Stackfield since day one. You probably know him very well - from our blog posts, maybe even from our presentations, and since the beginning of 2019 he is helping to represent the emotion behind your messages making them more personal. It is about time that Paul gets some company - by a group of fellows with whom all of us can finally identify.

With our new update, you'll have a wider range of sticker variations to give your avatar a personal touch and an even wider range of emotions. Here they come: Paul, Paulina and the whole Stackfield crew!

More sticker emotions - for home office and remote work

Sticker Stackfield Crew
The Sticker Stackfield Crew

During our time in the home office, we found ourselves in situations that a large part of the population can pretty much identify with today. The workday is relocated to the homes of employees, is almost always present in our daily lives and literally merges with our private routine. Due to the separation from the team, you are suddenly on your own. Despite collaboration software and video telephony, communication suffers because the personal conversation with a direct counterpart is absent.

We are aware that the situation we find ourselves in has become a reality for a large part of the world's workers. Instead of talking directly to colleagues, we exchange frequent messages. Emojis, memojis, stickers and the like have become an essential part of our communication, because they simply express what is often difficult or awkward to express in plain text messages: emotion and simple status updates.

Especially the experience of working together for months from the home office has given us new ideas for our stickers. We wanted to design a set of stickers that would reflect what defines our everyday work today.

We have collected the numerous ideas of our employees, whose workplace has also been moved to the home office. We found out what suggestions most colleagues can identify with. And finally, we started sketching with our graphic designer before finally optimizing them collectively.

Paul Entwurf BRB
This is how Paul changed during the design phase

Little wonder: Our team members agreed that Paul, who has something really important to do but will "be right back", should have a slightly more stressed expression on his face.

After a few adjustments and some fine tuning, Paul was ready for the home office...

Paul BRB
The final BRB sticker

... and we have started to create a few friends for Paul with whom our users should be able to identify in the best way possible.

Your personal avatar for Stackfield

Auswahl eines persönlichen Avatars für Sticker
You can set your personal avatar for stickers.

With our new stickers we want to bring more diversity into play. They should address you all and not just a small part of the users on Stackfield. In the "Stickers" section of our emoji picker you can now choose the avatar that suits you best. Your choice will be displayed as a favorite so that your avatar is always available right away.

That's how it works: Open the emoji picker and switch to the "Stickers" section. Click on the default emoji type in the upper right corner of the search bar and select the avatar you want.

May we introduce: Paul's team

Paul's team provides a small insight into the daily work routine in the home office, with more or less positive aspects...

Antonia is the head of the creative team and tends to be interrupted very often while in the office. In the home office, however, work turns out to be a little easier for her. Here she can make the most of her creative phases and has been bubbling over with ideas ever since.

Emoji Sticker - Idea
"I have an idea!"

Joseph is not quite as comfortable with the changeover being clearly stressed with the huge workload that is currently pending. He lacks the exchange with his colleagues and because he hardly ever leaves his own apartment due to the COVID-19-related curfews, it is especially difficult for him to fully disconnect.

Emoji Sticker - stressed
"I am stressed out!"

Josefine handles her own time management marvelously, but now and then she wonders about the time management of other colleagues in their home offices. What about the video call that was scheduled for today? Paul, Luca ... where are you?

Emoji Sticker - waiting
"I am waiting."

In her imagination, Paul makes himself a little too comfortable at home and has simply forgotten about the meeting after his lunch time nap.

Emoji Sticker – nap time
"Having a break!"

But what Josefine doesn't know is that Paul is struggling at home to reconcile home office and private life, as his three children have also moved from school to the "home office".

Emoji Sticker - BRB
"Sorry, I'll be right back!"

Luca could run his head against the wall for other reasons. As usual, he finds himself sitting in front of his laptop right on schedule, but unfortunately it crashed for some unknown reason.

Emoji Sticker - angry
"This makes me furious!"

Susanne's technical equipment, on the other hand, works only too well. Her daily work routine consists of numerous meetings - usually. Currently, most of these meetings are held by telephone and Stackfield's video conferencing system. That actually works quite well, except for the fact that her phone rings all the time.

Emoji Sticker – on the phone
"Can't talk. On the phone right now."

Paulina is well balanced and enjoys organizing her day as she likes. Before starting her workday, she has the opportunity to do a little sports, and instead of the pizza escapades she and her team usually have in the office, she cooks herself something healthy for lunch.

Emoji Sticker - cooking
"It's lunch time!"

Our variety of stickers will of course expand over time to even better reflect the everyday work of our users. However, we hope that our Home Office sticker set will help to communicate the most common situations we all currently face.

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Lena Wimmer
About the Author:
Lena Wimmer is Product Marketing Manager at Stackfield. She is passionate about American literary history, great content and cinematography.
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