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Bye 2018, Hello 2019!

2 min read  •  December 31, 2018
The year 2018 - it was an incredibly turbulent, eventful, yet exciting and successful year for Stackfield, where we managed to nearly triple sales. Almost every department has been wrestling with new regulations and developments - also due to the rapid growth - but in the end we look back on a great year, in which we came our goal, to create the best and safest corporate collaboration platform, a few steps closer:

The year 2018


Right at the beginning there were two big milestones. On the one hand, the desktop apps for Windows and macOS were released, on the other hand followed shortly after them the mobile apps for iOS and Android. These two innovations are a big step for us as a company and platform, as the usage is finally detached from the browser and the desktop computer. The latter problem, the binding to the desktop computer, was until then the biggest problem of Stackfield, which is why the mobile apps had the highest priority in the first months of the year.


At the end of May, this was probably the most debated and biggest topic - not just for us, but for the entire economy. More specifically, it was the European Data Protection Regulation. However, since we have always placed a high value on compliance with the data protection guidelines and, in addition, thanks to the end-to-end encryption, also provide suitable security measures for very sensitive data, we were also able to master this hurdle without too many changes.

Search for encrypted content

Another important milestone was the revision of the global search, as the end-to-end encryption presented a very big hurdle when searching for content. A global search through the contents of the company takes place on the servers of Stackfield, since all data records are available here quickly. However, if the data is stored there end-to-end encrypted, Stackfield can not see this data and search accordingly. In order to make the end-to-end encrypted data searchable, we have developed a search which searches both the unencrypted data on the servers and the encrypted data after the decryption on the local device. We managed to designthis process so fast that the decryption of the data hardly brings any losses. All in all, it's way easier to use the new search and our users do not have to search long for their own content in the respective rooms.

Audio and video telephony

Late in the year we introduced audio and video telephony for direct messages, and this feature is now the basis and test environment for more features in this direction.

The year 2019

For the next year, we have planned a lot!

In January, exciting features will follow: among other things, this will include the new, additional role for guests and clients. These users, who are added to the organization with this role, are given read-only privileges in the rooms and can comment on the various elements. Since the rights are limited, these users will cost significantly less than regular users.

Likewise, an e-mail integration and the WebHook API will follow to simplify the process of sending information to Stackfield.

Immediately afterwards, the documents are launched with a new concept, Gantt charts are added and the possibility to create conversation protocols will be integrated.

As already described in one of our last blog posts, we still have some exciting features on our roadmap!

Finally, we would like to thank all customers for the trust placed in us and wish you a Happy New Year!

Your Stackfield Team

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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