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These are the true costs of free project management software

Various project management tools have been developed and launched in recent years, some of them also free of charge. What you should be aware of!
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
5 min read

Project management on fire - cool down, these tips will help

We have provided some tips for you to follow, to prevent your project from becoming true burn-out-pipelines, so you will remain a cool head at all times.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
8 min read

Bang or Bullshit: Trends in Enterprise Communication

In order to find out which trends are actually worth pursuing, we took a close look at the latest developments. Are they bang bullshit?
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read

How you create the perfect project plan in 5 simple steps

The ability to manage projects is one of the most crucial skills. Here’s why it matters and how to go about creating a project plan yourself.
Dorothea HeroldDorothea Herold
7 min read

Bye-bye Email: Why emails are desastrous for productivity

A tool that has accompanied us for so long. Slowly, on the quit, it says goodbye. With regard to internal communication, email has almost disappeared.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
8 min read

The future of work - Let's make future happen now!

We’re witnessing an emerging revolution in workplaces. It is in full swing - this revolution - but what does it hold for us and our working environment?
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
7 min read

Leading the company of tomorrow with Collaborative Leadership!

Den klassischen Führungsstil nach dem Top-Down-Ansatz abzuschaffen ist nicht ganz einfach. Doch Unternehmen können von einer Umstellung profitieren.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
5 min read

8 ways to boost your employees motivation and productivity

What about keeping these individuals motivated and content, though? Should you even take care of your employees in the first place? The answer is yes.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
6 min read

Efficiency in sensitive Industries? Communication is key!

If you imagine a company as a vehicle, its engine would probably be the internal communication. If the engine does not work, then neither does the vehicle.
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
6 min read

8 secure cloud storage services from Germany

We are happy to respond to our customers' requests and recommend safe file storage providers that are based in Germany. Nextcloud, OwnCloud and more
Lena WimmerLena Wimmer
7 min read
Product Updates

The Stackfield API, stickers, enterprise features and more

Spring is in the air and also Stackfield flourishes - with some new features and improvements to existing ones, such as the new API and stickers.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
5 min read
Product Updates

The new role - Externals

The new External role simplifies working with customers, clients or even freelancers as they only have access to manually shared items.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Bye 2018, Hello 2019!

The year 2018 was an incredibly turbulent, eventful and exciting year for Stackfield. We look back on a great year that brought a lot of changes!
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Advanced subtasks and possibilities for text formatting

With the advanced subtasks, it is now possible to add an additional description, to assign them to multiple persons and to comment directly on them.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Audio and video telephony for Direct Messages

The new audio and video telephony is now available in the Direct Messages and will be extended step by step with more features, such as screen sharing.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Less is more - the new notifications from Stackfield

With the new notification concept, notifications are now sent in a more targeted manner and can be paused or sent only at specific times.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
4 min read
Product Updates

New improvements for existing features

Rejected approvals can now be commented directly, changes are more visible and markers on attached images are displayed as subtasks.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
2 min read
Product Updates

Migrating from HipChat / Stride to Stackfield

As the self-hosted version of HipChat is no longer under development, there is the following offering to migrate HipChat data to Stackfield.
Christopher DiesingChristopher Diesing
1 min read