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Advanced subtasks and possibilities for text formatting

2 min read  •  November 20, 2018
Stackfield is a tool for a wide range of companies, all with their own processes and approaches to projects and their tasks. These differences are also reflected in the use of tasks on Stackfield: While some of our users use the tasks as a simple todo list, the tasks and subtasks are many times used for complete (part) projects and complex operations.

In order to improve the work of the latter, especially with subtasks, we have completely revised the subtasks so that they can now be used more easily and clearly. The following functions are now available for subtasks:

Description for subtasks

Often a description is needed for the processing of the subtasks, if they are extensive and the necessary steps can not be explained in one sentence/title. For these cases, there is now a separate description for subtasks, which is completely independent from the parent task's description. You can reach the description field when creating the subtask by clicking on the button on the far right within it.

Comments on subtasks

Probably the biggest change in the subtasks is the possibility to leave comments on them. As a result, the communication takes place clearly targeted. When the right-hand area of a subtask is clicked, a small window opens in which the functions of the subtask are displayed. At the bottom of this window, it is possible to leave a comment, creating a separate communication thread within the task.

In the parent task, it is possible to show / hide the comments of the subtasks, so that the communication of the task itself is not flooded with too much information.

Assigning subtasks to multiple users

Like the parent tasks, the subtasks can now be assigned to more than one person, which makes it easier to define responsibilities.

Of course, the subtask also preserves the possibility to deposit a title and a due date.

Formatting text messages

In addition to the changes to the subtasks, we have also implemented an innovation in the text-text messages: using various icons, these can now be formatted and text, for example, in italics, bold or even crossed out. Important messages can also be marked as colored.

For instructions on how to use this function, please visit the following page:

For questions we are always available! We'll get back to you soon with more features and a look ahead for the year 2019!

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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