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Easier filtering

2 min read  •  August 25, 2015
Until now, it was only possible to tag individual persons in a post by using the @-symbol. Through the tag @all, all members of a data room can now be addressed with a single tag.

Tagging: # for rooms and @all

Thereby, all members of the room obtain a notification about being mentioned in a post. In addition, it’s now possible to cross-reference to another room by using the #-symbol and selecting the desired room.

New Filter

Besides using standard filters, it’s possible to create custom filters on Stackfield. Creating these individual filters has been simplified with the update.

Instead of the previous, sometimes quite confusing, menus consisting of various sub-points, there is now a central menu showing all filter options at a glance. Once an option is selected, the displayed results will be updated in the background. If the filter should be available at a later data, it can be saved and made available to other users.

Detailed history for files

Who has downloaded a file? When did someone open it? These questions are highly relevant when you are working with files. The history of a file now contains exactly this information and thus provides information about when the file has been uploaded, updated, displayed or downloaded.

Upload Manager

The new upload manager simplifies the way how you save documents in data rooms. Once a file is dragged on Stackfield, a message will pop up that explains the procedure: Pressing the shift key while dropping will upload the file directly into the active data room. If you don’t press the shift key, a menu will appear, in which the name of the file and the data room where the file should be saved can be selected.

Quick Add Button

The „Quick Add“ button serves as central point for all elements that can be created on Stackfield. It’s possible to create rooms, folder, tasks, notes or files by clicking on it. It’s also possible to invite new members to your organization if you are an administrator of the organization.

Simplified navigation and more space for content

This might represent the biggest change in the update: The stand-alone room list has been removed and is now located within the left column. As a result, there is more space for the content of the rooms, whereby it’s easier to work with tasks or files.

In addition, the use of folders is more intuitive, because there is now a direct connection between rooms and folders. Rooms that have been marked as favorites are listed at the top, followed by the five most recently used rooms. The folders are displayed at the bottom of the list.

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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