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Share your (encrypted) files!

1 min read  •  November 03, 2015
Sending and sharing files securely is one of Stackfield most essential features. Now, a new feature allows you to send files to external users, who are not registered on Stackfield. This feature is available for unencrypted and encrypted files, without compromising the security of these files.

Which features are available when I share a file publicly?

By using the feature „Share to public“, a link will be created, through which the file can be accessed directly. In this case, „public“ means that persons without an account on Stackfield can open / download the file if they have the link to it. If the link is opened in the browser, for images or PDFs will be displayed a preview. By clicking on the button „Download“, the file can be saved on the device.

How do I share a file publicly?

In order to share a file with external persons, you need to open the information dialogue / preview of a file. Then you can choose the option „Share to public“ by clicking on the button „More“. Hereby, a link will be generated that you can copy and share. While sharing encrypted files, there are two different options. On the one hand, you can integrate the encryption key into the link, on the other hand you can display the encryption key separately. By sending the link and the encryption key through two different communication channels, the security is significantly increased. Without the key, the file can not be opened if unauthorized persons get into the possession of the link.

The feature „See all shared files“ opens the „Everything“ section and displays a list with all previously shared files. If a file shouldn’t be available any longer, you can click on „Remove public link“.

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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