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Latest update contains german language switch and new features

2 min read  •  September 05, 2013
The release of Stackfield´s open beta has been in the end of July. So far, we have already received a great and considerably feedback from our busy testers. Some issues and requests are mentioned frequently. To take this into account and to make our platform even more user-friendly, we implemented some new features:

German as an optional language


The user interface is now also available in German. The language-switch is dead easy: Open the menu below your Profile-Picture and click “Settings / Einstellungen”. Now you can choose the preferred language.

Full-screen-Mode for texts


During the entering of different text items (e.g. in the data-field while creating a task) you are now able to switch to a full-screen-mode. This is extremely handy while entering or editing long texts. Therefore just click the full-screen-symbol in the menu layer of the relevant text item – and the input/entering-area will immediately maximize to full browser-size. By clicking the symbol again, you return automatically to the previous view.



As already available on different Social-Media-Platforms, users can now be tagged in comments – just by typing “@” in front of the user name. This user will then automatically receive a global notification, which informs him about being tagged in your post.

Make posts to favorite posts


And there is an other tagging-feature: You are now able to tag single items (tasks, text posts, documents and so on) as favorites. In this way you can mark all the content that is important to you. In order to do so, just click the editing-symbol (the little pen next to your posts).

Hide single posts


By clicking this symbol, you can additionally hide particular posts in your Stacks. They will – of course – only be hidden for you. Other Stack-members are still able to see them.

My tasks


One of the most desired features was a global summary about all personal assigned tasks, trough all used Stacks. And of course we implemented that as well. At the tag “My task” (placed on the left menu) you´ll find all open tasks that are assigned to you – no matter in which Stack they are. So you´ll stay in full control with all of your duties.

Btw: Since the latest update we have also a special Stackfield-Sound that will signalize you the receive of a relevant notification. So we are not just multilingual, but also multi-sensory. :)
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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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