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New improvements for existing features

2 min read  •  July 31, 2018
Our developers are currently working on some great new features (more on that in a few days), but at the same time we've improved existing features and simplified processes on Stackfield. The following features have been changed in the past few days:

Breakdown of recent activities in the communication stream

A small change, which however makes a big difference: The communication module now shows directly which changes have been made by a user. Previously, this was only possible by clicking on "Recent Activity", but now the exact change will be displayed next to the user's name.

Comments on declined approvals

As soon as a task is given the status "For Approval", it must be accepted by another person. For this purpose, the responsible person receives a notification in the dashboard and is hereby able to make a direct decision as to whether the final result of the task is to be accepted or declined. The process of a successful approval is quite clear (the task is done), while a declined approval requires further work. In order to make the process of further changes easier, a comment field has been added to the declining process, which can be filled in if the task has not been done as required. The comment will be displayed after submitting in the comment area of the task.

Time entries of archived tasks

Many tasks are done and then archived directly because the information is no longer needed in the room. In order to do justice to this workflow of our users, the time entries of archived tasks are now also included when creating a time tracking report (accessible via "Everything" -> "Time Tracking"). In addition, the item "Archived tasks" is available in the filter, which means that these can also be excluded.

Markers on images as subtasks

Likewise, the work with markers on images has been improved. The markers are now displayed directly as subtasks of tasks if the images have been attached to one of them. This has the advantage that all tasks/markers of the attached images can be seen at a glance. If a subtask is marked as done, the marker also disappears directly in the image file. To open a marker of an image, simply click on the respective subtask.

We hope these changes will make working on Stackfield easier and more clearer. If you notice any points that should also be adjusted, we look forward to your feedback via email to! Otherwise you "hear" from us again in a few days - with a blog post to a long-awaited, great feature! :-)

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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