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Tasks Reloaded

3 min read  •  March 20, 2016
Our newest update addresses the optimization of task module, which can now be used with even more flexibility. The following features have been added:

Assigning tasks to multiple users

A feature that has been requested by many users is now available: The assignment of a task to multiple people. Since Stackfield is a tool for teams, it makes a lot of sense to facilitate the handling of a task within a team through this feature. The assignment is done as intuitively as before with the only difference being the possibility to select more people.

User-defined sorting of tasks

We have implemented a great feature for all card-lovers: Tasks can now be sorted in any desired order within each column. By using the user-defined sorting, you don’t need to use filters to sort your tasks and you can work more freely in the card view. All users within a room view the same user-defined sorting and they can also change the sorting themselves. Nevertheless, it’s still possible to use all other sorting options – the user-defined sorting will be saved while you use other filters.

From-to date for tasks

An additional feature facilitates tasks management: The from-to date. Many tasks cannot be started directly; or it’s necessary to wait until a certain date is reached – and this must be communicated to the assigned person. For these cases, you can now set a starting date in addition to the end date.

Labels and priorities received a new coat of paint

With the new labels we added colors to task management and simultaneously simplified the usage of Stackfield. As of now, labels have been merged with priorities – whereby two features can now be found into a single one. We’ve defined several colors as predefined labels, which can be further customized by each user along with the possibility to add a text/value to each label. The creation of new labels is also possible. The color associated with an assigned label is also visible in the card-, table- and list-view. Furthermore, filtering by labels is also available.

Printing tasks and posts

Tasks and posts include a variety of information. Even nowadays, this information is often required in printed format, for example to have it at hand during a meeting. In order to simplify the work with printed data, we have optimized the printing of posts and added this feature for tasks. This function is hidden in the settings of a task behind the „More“ button.

Subscribing to tasks

Delegating tasks can quickly become confusing when you try to follow all changes without any help. With the new feature „Subscribe“ that is much easier: any user can now subscribe to individual tasks and then receive notifications every time changes are made to the tasks. Hereby, it is possible for example to remain informed about a task that you have created and assigned to another person.

Edited messages

The editing of messages is one of the many necessary functions in everyday‘s work. However, since it’s also possible to change important information, it is now shown when a message has been edited. (The possibility to edit messages can be deactivated in the settings of the organization for all rooms at once if you don't want to allow it!)

Archiving tasks, posts and files

With the archiving function we solve the problem of having items within a room that are no longer needed, but should be available for future use. These items can now be easily archived and be restored at any time. This allows for completed tasks, temporary irrelevant files and discarded posts to be easily removed from the room without actually losing them. The „Archive“ feature is hidden behind the „More“ button when tasks/posts/files are opened. Archived items can be accessed through the Dashboard.

History for tasks and posts

Through the history you can now track the progress of tasks and posts. Also hidden behind the „More“ button, the „History“ feature will show the recent events in relation to a task or post. Through this function, it is possible to see who made the last changes and what assets were stored.

We appreciate any feedback on the new or existing functions! Our next update will focus on time recording and the management of user rights.

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Christopher Diesing
About the Author:
Christopher Diesing is the COO of Stackfield. He loves all kinds of marketing, product design as well as photography.
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