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Myra Security: Security and compliance as mutual DNA

6 min read


  • Highest standards for data protection and data security: Stackfield meets the strict requirements of the Myra Security marketing team
  • Smart task management ensures that large marketing projects are processed more quickly
  • Responsible parties are involved in projects earlier and tasks are communicated more clearly - this leaves more time and space for actual implementation
  • Content is stored centrally, can be found immediately, and is easier to track in the project documentation
  • Stackfield's support addresses questions individually and ensures that daily collaboration is kept on track at all times

About Myra Security

Myra Security is a German technology manufacturer and protects digital processes of companies, critical infrastructures and public clients - including banks, governments, e-commerce and healthcare - with its "Security-as-a-Service Platform". Myra's technology fends off virtual attacks before they can cause any real damage, protecting the digital foundation of our modern lives. The company is BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security) -certified, a qualified security service provider for critical infrastructures (KRITIS), and meets the strictest security and compliance requirements.

The initial situation

Myra Security's marketing department consists of several teams: offline marketing, online marketing, editorial, and design. Each department used different tools according to their requirements in their daily work. Tasks, for example, were communicated by mail or via internal chat. Collaboration between the teams was organized decentrally, i.e. took place across different systems. This inevitably led to information being scattered across several locations making its retrieval difficult. At the same time, this patchwork created challenges in project and task management. "For example, it was difficult to assign responsibilities to the respective teams in each project," reports Laura Frankl, Marketing Manager at Myra. "In addition, it was often tedious to track a completed project in the aftermath, because although there was a central repository for final documents, sometimes the process was not fully documented." The marketing team around Philipp Herrmann, Head of Marketing at Myra, decided to introduce a collaboration tool as a pilot project at Myra to solve the problems as fully as possible.

Philipp Herrmann – Head of Marketing at Myra

Why Stackfield?

Security and compliance are the DNA of Myra Security. The new collaboration tool therefore not only had to be GDPR-compliant but also meet the highest security requirements. For this reason, Stackfield's demand for its security standards was a perfect fit with Myra's self-image - as was the shared guiding principle of "Made in Germany".

In addition, the future tool should combine as many functions as possible to simplify the company's software landscape.

"First and foremost, we wanted a project management tool - a mixture of a ticket system and a Kanban board. Because we wanted to replace as many services as possible, it was also important for us to have the ability to collaborate on documents and hold meetings within the new tool."

After hearing about Stackfield several times in a podcast, the marketing team decided to test it out without further ado. Team members within the marketing department were invited into the tool and were able to create their individual rooms. The team collected open questions centrally in a shared task card in Stackfield, which were then answered personally by support.

"We transferred most of our marketing tasks and processes into Stackfield and put the tool through its paces."

After an intensive test phase, the decision was made: The future collaboration is to be organized with Stackfield. Since the team had already fully settled in during this time, the transition from the test phase to the actual day-to-day work went almost seamlessly.

Large projects are implemented more quickly

"The main function we use in Stackfield is task management." In all teams, the task module is an integral part of everyday work and the departments have adapted the structure of the Kanban board in their rooms according to their ideas. For example, the editorial team subdivides the task boards according to different subject areas to structure and manage content production based on their needs.

For overarching issues that affect all colleagues in marketing, the team has created a marketing room. "We have an additional room for large projects, for example, campaigns, where everyone has to be brought on board. The editorial team for text production, graphics for design, and online / offline marketing for rollout and subsequent campaign support." According to Frankl, task management pays off, especially in these interdisciplinary projects.

Laura Frankl – Marketing Manager at Myra

"Handling large projects has become much more effective."

This is partly because clear responsibilities and deadlines are assigned in the task cards. In addition, the team divides extensive projects into individual work steps using subtasks - this way, they are more easily accessible and can be implemented more quickly. At the same time, all team members can track the progress of a project at any time via the task cards.

"Ownership" creates more time and space for tasks

Since there are clear responsibilities, there has been more "ownership" in the team. What does that mean at Myra? Back then, tasks were communicated by email, usually with a "shared link" to the document that was to be worked on. This way, information sometimes got lost, or individual team members were involved in projects only at a very late stage. As a result, people had to familiarize themselves with a new topic at short notice and there was less time for the actual implementation of the task. This has improved noticeably since the introduction of Stackfield.

"Now, the owners are contacted in a timely manner. Because all the important information is summarized in the tasks, the owners are also briefed in much more detail as a result."

Today, the marketing team hardly uses emails for internal marketing communication, instead, comments are left directly in the task. All people involved automatically receive a notification in case of news.

Everyone is always up to date

"The most important thing is that everyone always maintains the same level of knowledge," adds Laura Frankl. The individual teams in marketing get to know more about each other directly and indirectly through Stackfield. "Everyone has the opportunity to get an overview of the other teams' tasks and gets a feel for what they're working on." Myra sees another benefit in project documentation, "We also use the individual task card in a project as a repository. This is where all document versions are uploaded, comments posted, feedback given, and final versions filed." Content can be found more quickly in the follow-up, learnings can be tracked more easily and processes can be improved for the future.

"Once we have implemented a campaign, we can understand exactly when which step was done, who was brought on board and when, and how many iterations there were at the end. In other words, you can have a second look at the whole project."

The pages module as a smart notebook

The document pages are regularly used at Myra. Here, for example, Laura Frankl bundles notes on projects with other service providers or media partners.

"I'm a big notebook fan and like to keep a handwritten record of things. Since Stackfield, though, it's slowly gathering dust as I now record my tasks and notes in the pages module."

She also creates recurring briefings, such as graphic or text requirements for social media, in the pages module and can thus easily share them with her colleagues or external partners - entirely without "shared links" and always correctly assigned to tasks or topics.

Outstanding support from the very beginning

Whenever a new software is introduced in the company, questions about functions and processes arise in almost all teams. After all, everyone has to familiarize themselves with the new possibilities first. For Myra, support was therefore a decisive criterion during the selection of the tool.

"There are applications where you write a ticket and only get a rudimentary answer three weeks later, with not even an individual response to your questions. Even during the test phase, we noticed that Stackfield's support is extremely good and fast - whether by phone, mail, or chat. In short, the support does a really good job."

"Too many tools, no consistent repository, too little transparency on marketing projects with different responsibilities," Philipp Herrmann concludes. "With Stackfield, we have responded to team feedback of this kind and see a significant improvement on all the pain points mentioned."

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Cristian Mudure
About the Author:
Cristian Mudure is the Founder and CEO of Stackfield. He loves digital business models and spends his spare time on the tennis court.
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