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Tips for introducing Stackfield

For a successful implementation of Stackfield in your team / company we have compiled some aspects for your planning. Stackfield can be used as a simple or agile tool, so depending on your needs / initial situation / size of the company individual points can play no role.

Phase 1: Learn basic knowledge

First of all, a responsible person with a good understanding of the requirements of his own company should inform himself / herself about the product and ensure that the software is suitable for the desired purposes.

  • What are the problems in the company? Which processes exist and how can they be mapped?
  • Information about the product: General product page, industry-specific information (under the tab "Solutions") or aspects on the topic Safety
  • Tip: Stackfield at start test for free

You need help or have any questions?

Then please contact our support ( For decision-makers, we also offer webinars where you can get answers to open questions and an introduction from experts.

Phase 2: Why use Stackfield?

To create awareness and acceptance, communicate openly to all participants - what is planned, for what reason (purpose and benefit), and how should implementation take place? You should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What goals are achieved with Stackfield?
  • What are the priorities?
  • What activities / processes is Stackfield used for?

All must be aware of their own benefits (i.e. meeting individual needs) by integrating Stackfield into their daily work. You should also be aware of possible concerns, such as whether it will replace employees or already established tools.

Here you will find a Help to answer the above questions.

Phase 3: Start Stackfield

Tip: To ensure a smooth start and no confusion, it is good to keep the tools used to a minimum. This means, for example, to do without e-mails, other communication tools and network drives internally.

Configure settings and structure in stackfield

Create workflows - work with tasks

There are many different ways in which Stackfield can be constructively integrated into a workflow. So that the users like to use the tool, the needs of the employees should be considered.

Tasks divide projects into realizable steps, in order to design these it makes sense:
  • Identify key areas of application
  • Unbundling, questioning and optimizing work processes / workflows
  • Consultation with all parties involved in the development of standards

For recurring and similar tasks / structures / projects it is recommended to create room templates and templates for tasks.

Tip: You can first structure tasks and projects yourself and then discuss with the team how it works best for everyone.

Include supporters

Influential people (e.g. team leaders) can promote and strengthen the use of Stackfield.

Invite members and introduce Stackfield

Tip Launch Team: For larger companies, it is also possible to start with a team / a department where people regularly communicate and work together. Gradually other teams / departments can be added that can learn from the launch team.

  • Announcement for the introduction of Stackfield (e.g. by e-mail)
  • User for organization and rooms add
  • Present stackfield, e.g. with a kick-off-meeting, Onboarding- and power-user-checklist
  • In the initial phase, monitor user usage and provide assistance if necessary

Phase 4: Active training and improvements

A software is only as good as its users. Productive work must be established and promoted in the teams. It is therefore advisable to inform the users in a targeted way by providing the resources in Stackfield, e.g. about rooms like "Help-Stackfield" and "Plan-Stackfield".

This can look like this:

"Help Stackfield": provide learning materials and encourage training and mutual exchange

  • Your elaboration of the point "Why use Stackfield?"
  • Onboarding checklist for quick familiarization of new users
  • Checklist for Power-User (Advanced)
  • Note on Stackfields Learning Center
  • Collection of best practices and areas of application
  • If required: training plan with milestones / next steps and review of progress, as well as training courses or training sessions of Stackfield experts

Tip test area (e.g. "playground"): In this room everyone can try out the different functions without having to fear that they will "break" something.

Tip Stackfield expert / Key user: Contact person in the company for other users.

"Plan-Stackfield": Information on workplace design

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