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Stackfield's Premium Features

The Premium plan includes all functions of the Business plan! If you have any questions regarding the functions and their usage, please contact our support.

Recycle bin

The recycle bin feature can be used to restore (accidentally) deleted entries and rooms if required. You can find out more here.

Open the recycle bin
Open the recycle bin via Reports

Forwarding of Emails to Stackfield

To simplify working with external email providers as much as possible, email integration is available to organizations within the Premium and the Enterprise Plan. Now, contents don't have to be copied and pasted into the tool anymore, instead, emails are automatically forwarded to the desired location in Stackfield and converted into module elements / added as comments within entries. This way, you'll ensure that all relevant information stays available to all authorized users in one central place.

The setup procedure is described here: Activating the email integration.


With Stackfield Premium, you can use whiteboards to prepare and present content / ideas / information using various editing options. For example, visualize processes using flowcharts and roadmaps or create mood boards together with your team.

More details about the use of whiteboards can be found here: Working with whiteboards

Whiteboard with flowchart
Whiteboard with flowchart as an example

Project Portfolios

With Stackfield Premium you can plan, manage and monitor different projects (-> room type: project room) centrally in one overview. The view provides insight into priority, status, and project progress. With a click on the respective project, you can view further details.

You can find the project portfolios via the sidebar.

Reports: project overview

Preview for Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Being a Premium / Enterprise plan user, you can view Office documents (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) directly within Stackfield without downloading them in advance. Furthermore, our development team is working on a feature to enable direct editing at this point.

Find more detailled information in this article: Preview of Office documents.

Preview of Office documents

Unlimited Externals

In the Premium plan, any number of users with the role External can be invited free of charge.

Custom Theme

The color of the sidebar can be customized for the entire organization with a color* that matches the corporate design. All you need to do is to inform us about the desired color shade.

*Note: Due to the light font color, we recommend using a dark shade for the background.


This plan allows calls (audio/video/screensharing) to be made not only between two individuals but also within a group of several people (up to 30 participants per session). You can find the conferences in the Direct Messages, sidebar and within events.

Video group call: same size for members
Group Calls

User Profiles

Within the Premium plan, it is possible to extend the user profiles e.g. adding position, department, and location.

Adding details within the profile
Adding details within the profile

The details are visible to the other members of the organization by clicking on the user profile.

Viewing profile details
Viewing profile details

Advanced Security Settings

With Stackfield Premium, it is possible to establish even higher security levels. The increased requirements will then be valid for every user of the organization and cannot be bypassed for access to the organization's content. For implementation, you simply need to inform us about what options you require.

IP Whitelist

With an IP whitelist, you can determine which IP addresses are allowed and therefore control access to the organization in Stackfield. To successfully log in to the organization, it is indispensable for a user to log in from one of the IP addresses listed on the whitelist.

Two-factor authentication as mandatory

With two-factor authentication, a user confirms his identity by combining two different and particularly independent components (= factors). When using two-factor authentication, a time-limited and unique one-time password from another application is required in addition to the login password that has been set by the users themselves. Within the Business plan, a user can always decide for himself whether he/she wants to activate two-factor authentication or not (two-factor authentication is deactivated by default). Starting with the Premium plan the organization can make the use of two-factor authentication mandatory for all users.

The setup procedure is described here: Two-factor authentication

Advanced Password Rules

Levels of password requirements:
  • 0: at least 8 characters (this is the standard setting)
  • 1: at least 10 characters + 2 different types of characters
  • 2: at least 10 characters + 3 character types
  • 3: at least 10 characters + 4 character types
  • 4: at least 12 characters + 3 character types

The different types of characters: small letters (a-z), capital letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and special characters (! # $ $ % & ' ( ) * + , _ - . / < = > ? @ [ ] { } | ~).

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