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How to manage the right groups within a room

The permissions within a room are assigned to the members of the room through right groups. In the "Room Settings", an administrator can specify and assign the right groups, whereas the other room participants can only view the settings.

Default Right Groups

Standard right groups in the room
Standard right groups in the room

The following right groups are available in a room by default and cannot be edited:

  • Room Admin
  • Contributor
  • Reader
  • Manually Shared

Room Admins manage all settings and users of the respective room.*

Users with the Contributor role can add content to the room, read all content, edit it (incl. performing status changes**), and delete at least their own content. New room participants (except external people) automatically receive the rights of the Contributor group.

Readers have access to the contents of the room, however, they cannot perform any changes.

With the "Manually shared" right group, functions as well as the visibility of entries are limited (see: Working with Externals).

The exact properties of a respective right group can be viewed via the Right Groups tab and the "View" button.


*Room Admins (room level) with the role Guest (organization level) do not have access to the organization's member management, i.e. they cannot add users to the room, only adjust the rest of the room settings (see: Understanding roles and rights in Stackfield).

**When changing the status to "For approval", a predefined workflow is defined (see: Standard Workflow: "For approval").

Individual Right Groups

Creating an individual right group
Creating an individual right group

You can create / edit a right group (e.g. for customers) via the Right Groups tab within the room settings. Individual right groups can be created here via the "Add Right Group" button. Right groups that have already been created can be viewed and modified via the "Edit" button.

For each individual right group, you can define detailed settings for the individual modules (display, update*, add and delete**). Each module can be deactivated or activated for a right group. Additionally, it is possible to hide contents / status from modules or to assign reading and writing rights.

Note: The settings defined for the module apply equally to the attachments (e.g. time tracking, files and comments) of all entries within the module.

Settings of a right group
Settings for an individual right group

For the tasks module, you can additionally define "Workflows". Via workflows you determine which right groups are to process tasks with which status and/or to whom the tasks are to be assigned after completion of the processing***. Click here to learn more about individual workflows.


*Update means that the user can edit the already created content, i.e. change it afterward.

**To be able to move an element, the right Delete is required, as in this case, the element disappears from the current room.

***By changing the status (editing status) the editing is finished.

Assigning Right Groups

The assignment of rights is performed in the tab Members either for teams or individual users. By clicking "Change Right Group" all available right groups are available for selection. Each person can be assigned multiple right groups (e.g. and Contributor). The rights are added if there are multiple right groups, i.e. adding a right group does not remove any rights, it just provides more.

Assignment of rights
Assignment of rights

Along with the assignment of rights to individual participants, the right groups of teams can be edited. All members of a team are given the same rights. If a user that is part of the team is to receive further (e.g. Room Admin, this role cannot be assigned to a team) or different rights, they can be applied to the room again separately / apart from the team rights. This way, an individual user can be assigned their own right group.

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