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Activating a Send button

By default, you can send messages within the module Communication and the comment area by pressing the Enter key. However, it is possible to activate a "Send" button in your user account settings instead. This way, the Enter key takes over the function of a line break.


  1. Open the settings of your user account.
  2. Stay within the tab Profile.
  3. Disable the switch next to "Press Enter to send".
  4. Click on "Save Changes".

Activating the Send button
Activate the send button via the switch

Once you have saved the new settings, the button for sending your messages will appear within the communication module as well as in the comment area. From now on, the Enter key is used to create a line break. Alternatively, you can now send messages using the keyboard shortcut "Shift" + Enter.

Send button within the communication module
The Send button within the communication module
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