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Working with templates for tasks

Beside room templates templates can also be created and used for individual tasks.

This is especially useful if a task has to be completed again and again and the content / structure remains the same or similar. By using templates, the procedure is standardized, so you can save time in the long run and the quality remains the same.

Tip: Define the leader who determines the procedure and ensures that the workflow is adhered to.

Determine storage location for task templates

Possibility 1: Extra column for templates in relevant room

If a task template is only valid for a certain room, an extra column can be created for it, e.g. with the title "Task template for copying".

Extra column for templates in room
Extra column for templates in room

To get the desired image, the map display and grouping by status must be selected via the filter in the Tasks module. The column can be renamed in the overview using the "Arrow" button next to the title of the list and moved to the desired position using drag and drop.

Possibility 2: Extra room for task templates

If the task templates are relevant for several rooms, you can also create an extra room for them and, for example, sort them thematically in the lists. The name of the room should be marked so that it is clear to every user that this is a template room in which not the editing of tasks takes place.

Extra space for task templates
Extra space for task templates

Create task template

At the desired storage location (room / column) you can create a task as usual. This will then be used later as a template for a new task.

Copy task template to desired location and adjust

A copy of the task template can be saved to the desired location using the "Three Points" button and the "Copy to" option and then edited.

Copy task template to desired location
Copy task template to desired location

Application example and tips

General Tips

  • Goal of the meeting: What is to be achieved, what is to be talked about, why do the people participate,...
  • List of all items on the agenda: 1 person in charge or each participant adds relevant topics
  • Assign individual agenda items to the participants: Who should comment on what? Define in advance so that the persons can prepare
  • Make the Meeting schedule / Agenda available to all participants before meeting

Meeting schedule / agenda

With a well planned agenda, a meeting can be organized in a target-oriented and productive way.

Example: Meeting schedule / agenda for meetings
Example: Meeting Plan / Agenda for Meetings

Introduction of new employees

With a checklist, new employees receive all relevant information (when exactly what is due and who is the contact person) and the introduction is designed efficiently for all parties involved.

Example: Checklist for the introduction of new employees
Example: Checklist for the Introduction of new employees
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