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Introduction to Stackfield for users with the role "Guest"

You have been added to an organization in Stackfield, this introduction will help you get started.

What do I need Stackfield for?

Stackfield enables overall faster, more pleasant, flexible and productive communication and collaboration, taking into account the highest data protection requirements (Security).

Intelligent cooperation e.g. through:
  • Information coherent, structured and in the most current version in a central location
  • Overview through automated daily routines and reports
  • Clear responsibilities
  • Simple and intuitive operability, without technical or IT knowledge

The context and overview are not lost through numerous e-mails or other forms of exchange.

Understand Stackfield: Basics


In the organization, all persons who work together for a company are connected with each other. A kind of virtual office.

Collaboration in one room

A room is used to organize work on a specific topic / project. Every Action, Information, and communication is collected at this central location. To be able to map everything, there are different modules in a room that mesh and are networked with each other.

Structure of Stackfield
Structure of Stackfield
Via the individual modules you can work with other users, these are e.g.
  • Communication / course of activities
  • Discussions on important topics and longer agreements
  • Tasks
  • Files (uploaded e.g. from the computer)
  • Documents (created directly in Stackfield)
  • Calendar (create events)

Communication channels

There are several ways to communicate via Stackfield: Ways of communication in Stackfield
Ways of communication in Stackfield

Hint: As a user with the role "Guest" you can use the "Direct Messages", but not start them. Only after an employee of the organization has written to you can you reply.

An overview where you can find the functions in Stackfield can be found here: "Operating Stackfield - where can I find what?"

Create new elements

Purpose Stackfield policies and templates created by the company help you understand how to perform certain tasks. Ask where they are stored.

How to add a new element:
  • In the communication module next to the text input field via the button with the symbol "Down arrow"
  • In the respective module or the navigation bar with the "Add" button

What do I see and what can I do?

Due to your role not all functions of Stackfield are usable. Therefore at the point in question you get a hint or can't click the button (Visible by light grey background).

Work with Stackfield

Stay informed with "My Week"

The function "My Week" shows you what is happening and what you should focus your attention on. It is therefore your central contact point, where you will receive an individual daily routine (with upcoming tasks, events and new notifications).

My week: Your central contact point
My week: Your central contact point

Customize notifications for "My Account"

You can access the settings for notifications via "My Account". There you can choose what you want to be informed about, how (Desktop / Mobile App / E-Mail) and when (Anytime / Weekdays with times) you want to receive notifications. If a period is agreed in which notifications are only allowed, they will not be sent outside the specified period, not even at a later time.

My account, Notifications
"My Account", Notifications


Tasks are the basic work unit in Stackfield, they divide projects into realizable steps. Plan your day with tasks that can represent a variety of things, such as To-Dos, ideas, memories for yourself and others. Transfer your everyday workflows to Stackfield.

Here you will find a detailed description of the procedure: Working with Tasks.
  • Create Task (New / From Template)
  • Select / adjust settings and additional options
  • Add associated files, documents, etc.
  • Comment: Ask questions, give answers or add additional information
  • Make comments for attached files directly in the image (marker in images)
  • Subscribe to a task to stay informed about comments and changes
  • Adjust processing status (from "to do" to "done") to situation

Create other elements

In addition to tasks, you can also use many other ways to share information with the team. Create for example:

Active training

To take full advantage of Stackfield and create added value for yourself, it is important to practice the use of the tool through active training.

You can do this by doing the following things:
  • Use information, e.g. from Stackfields Learning Center
  • Trying out functions in a test area
  • Get support from experienced users in the organization

Use Stackfield for your own company

With your already created user account you can be in several organizations. What advantages this has and how it works will be explained to you here. With the button "Add new" you can create your own organization.

Create a new organization
Create a new organization

Stackfield in your own company: Tips for introduction.

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