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Tips and guidelines for a well thought-out structure

To enable productive collaboration with a tool, it is essential to create a meaningful structure within it. For this purpose, we have compiled a few tips for orientation.

General rules for use

Internal waiver of e-mails

In order to have all information bundled in one place it makes sense to avoid the parallel use of e-mails in internal communication and collaboration.

Quality and timeliness of the information

All necessary information should be stored in Stackfield in a structured, contiguous and essential manner.

Information must be shared at the "right place", so that it can be found easily and quickly. If this is not the case by mistake, it is advisable to inform the user in a friendly manner. In addition, move content and / or to add files to elements (such as discussion / task / document / event) later.

It should be done regularly updates to the status and progress, so that other teammates also know what the current status is.

Use templates

The agility of a company can be positively influenced by standards. Templates (e.g. room template and task template) save time and ensure Quality, e.g. because no step is forgotten. Recurring Tasks / structures / projects can be easily taken over. Created sample structures explain to the users how certain work steps are to be completed and can contain for example, descriptions and procedures, check lists, subtasks and approvals.

Room rules

When create a new room the "Room Admin" should adjust the settings of the room to the desired purpose.

Room settings
Create room settings
  • Uniform and meaningful naming
  • If available use templates
  • General, such as giving the room a color (this is shown in the calendar for events and tasks)
  • Determine which modules may (not) be used by the members
  • Enable / disable integrations
  • Assign each member a right group, if required create your own right group with a workflow rule

Naming for rooms / room groups:

The classification and naming should be made in such a way that users can see at a glance what information can be found in which room/room group. If necessary, rooms can be grouped under a generic term to form a room group and sorted.

Possible classifications are e.g:
  • Departments / Functions
  • Projects
  • Topics
  • Teams
Example of a folder structure
Example for a folder structure

Additionally rooms for task templates, social and funny topics and the use of Stackfield (e.g. "Plan-Stackfield" and "Help-Stackfield") make sense.

Task rules

The following aspects help a person responsible to complete a task successfully and productively when creating and editing:
  • If available use templates
  • How to design the title (define conventions, e.g. precise and action-based)
  • What should be included in the description (context, details, scope)
  • Create links (via link or #-mention) to relevant content and attach files
  • Always make a due date (if necessary also an estimate, if no deadline was specified) and allocation (to yourself or colleagues)
  • Add subscribers if you want people to see the progress
  • Adjust the status after processing a task
  • Leave a comment for questions / updates directly in the task and tag the addressee with @ taggen if required

When using subtasks it is recommended not to nest them too much, but to create an extra task and make a shortcut.

Such rules can also be created for the other elements (e.g. events or discussions).

Manage and customize folder structure

In order to keep the structure organized, topic-related and productive, it is advisable to manage the existing structure and adapt it if necessary:
  • Create new room
  • Delete room
  • Archive room
  • Rename room
  • Move room (to another room group or to a different organization)
  • Create new room group
  • Delete room group
  • Rename room group

The procedure for this is described in the articles on working with a room / a room group.

Helpful aspects for implementation

  • Create folder for design and practice.
  • Contemporaneous discussion and making available of the own created guidelines so that no fixed habits have developed yet.
  • Strengthen rules: To ensure that the rules are adhered to by all users, it is helpful to define a Stackfield expert / responsible person in the team / company. This person ensures that everyone adheres to the rules and provides assistance in their implementation.
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